此篇會介紹幾種 border 常會遇到的問題。
「Note: The border will be invisible if its style is not defined. This is because the style defaults to none.」
<div class="inline-block border-[3px] border-solid border-black">
<span class="border-[10px] border-solid border-red-700">this is text</span>
為什麼只有 inline 元素會出現 border 溢出?
W3C Inline formatting contexts:「Horizontal margins, borders, and padding are respected between these boxes.」
白話文:「box 之間的水平 margin、border、padding 會相互影響。」
Example of margins, padding, and borders:「The margin box height of each LI box depends on its content height, plus top and bottom padding, borders, and margins.」
白話文:「每個 LI 框的邊距框高度取決於其內容高度,加上頂部和底部填充、邊框和邊距。」